Maria Nito - Dancer of Sand Clock

Maria Nito

Modern Dance

When I was 4 just like most mums my mum decided it was timw for me to find an activity to keep me occupied, so she put me into dance!
I was really young, but even at an early age you could tell I wanted to improve. I did ballet for 8 years fell in love with it!
I had just turned 11 when I got to experience the most emotional moment as dancer, I got fitted for my first pair of point shoes and it was the moment I realised how much dance meant to me.

10 years later now and I fall in love with dancing every time I step on stage! The costimes, the lights, the audience always manage to remind me how many things dance has helped me go through!
It helps me tell my story using movement and I express myself.

Maria Nito

Maria Nito

Maria Nito

Maria Nito

Maria Nito

Maria Nito

Maria Nito

Maria Nito

  • +44 795 4757411
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