
Sand Clock

An original story on migration which explores its effects and growth on people

  • Location:

    Turin, Italy

  • Protagonist:

    Giulia, 9 years old

Sand Clock - The Story - Chapter1 - pag 2-3
Sand Clock - The Story - Chapter1 - p1

I stare at the window. Why bother? The toddler in front of me just did it for fun, and as I reach out to open it ... why bother? It's not like I'll be happy to see what's outside. Still...
I want to stare it in the face. There's no way I can ignore what I believe to be my curse. After all, everything must come to a price, even my month of untainted happiness.
I open the window before I can stop myself. It's dark. It's not night, in fact it's just 3.00 pm.
Although the thick clouds stop light getting through. Ironic, how the sky seems to reflect my mood right now. And just as thought reaches my dry eyes like ran, I see the child look at me cautiously through the window reflection.
I must have signaled my giving up with my eyes, because when I close them I can hear the shutter coming down.

Sand Clock - Story - Chapter1

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